Trust Extension | Enhanced Experience | Trust

Visit the official Trust Wallet website at Look for any announcements or information regarding browser extensions.

Trust Wallet primarily operates as a mobile application, and there isn't an official Chrome browser extension provided by Trust Wallet. Trust Wallet is known for being a mobile-first cryptocurrency wallet, offering a non-custodial solution for managing various digital assets on iOS and Android devices.

However, the cryptocurrency space is dynamic, and developments can occur rapidly. To check for any updates or changes since my last update, follow these steps:

  1. Official Website: Visit the official Trust Wallet website at Look for any announcements or information regarding browser extensions.

  2. Download Section: Explore the download or extensions section on the official Trust Wallet website. If there's a browser extension available, you should find it there.

  3. Chrome Web Store: Check the Chrome Web Store ( and search for "Trust Wallet." If an official extension exists, it should be listed there for download.

  4. Official Social Media Channels: Check Trust Wallet's official social media channels, such as Twitter or Telegram. Official announcements are often made through these platforms.

  5. Contact Support: If you cannot find information through the above channels, consider reaching out to Trust Wallet support for clarification. They can provide accurate and up-to-date information.

Remember to exercise caution and only download applications or extensions from official and trusted sources. Be wary of phishing attempts and unofficial websites claiming to provide Trust Wallet extensions. Always verify information through trusted channels to ensure the security of your digital assets.

If there have been developments or changes since my last update, checking the latest information on the official Trust Wallet website or contacting their support directly is the best way to get accurate details.

Last updated